"here's where it gets nasty..."

this was captured on the road trip home from louisiana, although i get to experience it very frequently... which for those of you who know me, cam is not alone in his weirdness. I am right along side him with killer moves myself. watching this just makes me so proud... :)


Alec and Tiffany said...

haha!!! I love road trips + funny husbands = crazy/fun times! They always make them the best!

Anonymous said...

hahah that is awesome! I love that he told you to not blog it! haha
Noticed that you get to play ticket to ride for a job. I want that job!!!! I am addicted to that game!

Jo said...

Hilarious! I love it! I knew he had some good moves after watching him (and you) do your little wave dance on the deck. Maybe you should post that video side by side -- to showcase more of his dancing talent! X O

Allison said...

Haha...that was fun! My husband always says the same thing to me at the end of every goofy picture or video! It always gets posted somewhere though :)

Erin Page said...

That video rocks! Haha!